Creating Babylon

Can accessible farming provide to a growing urban audience?

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Local or Community

Early concepts focused on a simple to use vertical garden for the home. By camouflaging the product, it could integrate and blend into any space.

Vertical farming should be accessible for everyone. Current home hydroponic systems are both expensive and technologically unfamiliar.

Thinking about our goals, Babylon became an automated and cost-effective shared community garden for complexes and community centers. 

Unit Modularity

Babylon is modular to the space it shares. Each unit is 4 by 4 feet and holds three personal shelves capable of growing a dozen plants.

LED lights provide the lighting to farm, while an integrated water-filtration unit runs hydroponics. Users just place the seed cartridge in and add the nutrients. Babylon will do the rest.

Babylon's companion app provides growth tracking. It can even suggest best plant combinations that grow well together through pheromones.


Subscription to a Healthy Lifestyle

Built into urban complexes, the subscription is incorporated into your rent. For communities, anyone can join the subscription service and have access to an eden of fresh, personalized, organic food.

Reducing Wastes and Growing Sustainably

By bringing the garden and the produce closer to users, we limit the cost and pollution necessary to ship foods worldwide. Vertical gardens can grow all year, anywhere, and in nearly all weather conditions.